I adore this beautiful family so much. Traci and Clay have been some of my sweetest friends and clients since the early days of my business in 2010. I'm so thankful for their support and beyond excited for their adoooooorable family. Traci, you were the most elegant pregnant mama and your precious babies are the stuff dreams are made of. You guys are twice blessed!! Meet baby H & G.
Hill Family Maternity
In honor of sweet baby Holden's arrival today, I thought I'd share this adorable family session full of precious new life and love. Congrats to your beautiful family of four!! Love you guys!
Bethany, Dallas Maternity
This sweet mama-to-be has been a dear family friend since I can remember. I was so excited to hear that she was pregnant and wanted to get together for photos of her precious growing baby bump! Bethany is a total doll and is seriously as sweet as she looks. We went to White Rock Lake to shoot some beautiful scenic photos and she was totally game. Between the heat, the bugs, and the itchy grass, Bethany had NO complaints!! I asked her to stand next to a tree with beautiful ivy growing up the trunk, & I remember saying jokingly, "watch this be poison ivy". Neither of us had ever had a one on one encounter with this ferocious plant, so we were truly clueless. You can image my horror when this sweet lady, who is seven months pregnant, texted me two weeks later to check and see if I had any funny spots on my legs. She then proceeded to send me a picture of a very angry rash all over her poor pregnant ankles!! As if being pregnant isn't hard enough! I felt so horrible, but Bethany assured me she was in NO pain and that the doctor said there was obviously no threat to that sweet baby. We can sit back and laugh about it now, well almost laugh- Bethany may still be itching her ankles, but I'm thankful we got such beautiful images despite the poison ivy fail.
Mehall Family
This precious family is as sweet as they come. I love getting to work with new clients and discovering our little life connections. Melissa and I have so much in common from sharing the same college to the same sorority. We have mutual friends and now a friendship of our own. I'm thankful we've crossed paths and cannot wait to photograph her sweet new baby in the coming weeks. Her kids are extremely cooperative and a perfect picture of what polite should be. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together.
Hill Maternity, Newborn, Announcement & Nursery Decor
I've been so excited to blog this session, but in classic HAD&P style have found myself behind on the social media aspect of business!! Lauren & Chad Hill welcomed their precious son, Hudson Hill, into the world in August. Lauren trusted me with their maternity pictures, newborn pictures, baby announcements, and some fun wall art in their nursery. I love when I get to work with someone on so many aspects of a project, because it really makes for a more consistent end result. This sweet family is so precious and I enjoyed working with them on every step of the way!! Welcome to the world sweet baby Hudson.
Lauren & Chad Maternity:
Hudson Hill Newborn:
Hudson Newborn Announcements:
Hudson's Custom Wall Art:
I drafted the custom damask shape from Hudson's bedding into CAD and had it extracted with a laser cutter. We painted and glued it together and displayed Hudson's cute name underneath it for a totally custom look!

Ginger Maternity
My sister Ginger is going to be a mom in 10 days! In 10 days her life will go from peaceful evenings & bubble baths to sleepless nights & diaper rash. Yes, it's the final countdown to those sweet baby sounds, nursery rhymes, & little giggles which in turn means dirty diapers, endless feedings & tender nipples! All jokes aside, I'm elated about becoming an aunt. It's got all the perks of motherhood without the medical bills & temper tantrums. My sister and I are day and night. She's the practical stern one, and I'm the laid-back carefree one. I've always had a slightly more nurturing nature in comparison, so my family jokes that her kids will come crawling to my door for gummy bears & hugs.
Ginger & Brett are going to make the most amazing parents. I cannot wait to see the two of them raise an adorable little family in their adorable little town, Boerne (aka- Pleasantville). My mom, sister & I all had the most fabulous day taking Ginger's maternity pictures around Boerne's precious streets. We dipped into a mexican food restaurant for a few quick shots & a couple of margaritas. Not alcoholic shots, photographic shots.... oh and don't worry...Ginger didn't get a margarita...the wonderful joys of pregnancy.
Ginger & Brett decided to have the gender of the baby be a surprise.... how fun right? WRONG. For someone as controlling as myself this past 9 months has been a roller coaster of it's a girl, it's a boy, NO! It's a girl? Tricky these surprises. I've decided the people that like surprises are obviously the ones that don't have to plan the nursery or the baby showers. Ginger asked me and my mom to decorate the nursery & boy has that been a task... Uh-Oh, I just said boy.... does this mean something? Nah- The day Ginger told me she was pregnant I said, "AHH!! I think it's going to be a girl on May 17th!". Come to find out, the due date is indeed May 17th, and the gender... we shall see!
I hope you guys enjoy these images as they are such a symbolic start to a new chapter in all our lives. That baby is going to rock our world & I can't wait. I love it already.
Amanda Maternity & Baby Shower
One of my closest friends, Amanda Schaefer, was blessed with becoming a mommy two weeks ago. She and husband David welcomed Ryker William Schaefer into the world on March 31st, 2011. He has been the most incredible blessing to them both and it's been amazing watching the two become parents together! It's such a reality check when your family & friends start having babies! I still feel like I have the mentality of a 10 year old on occasion, but then look up to find a business of almost a year, a husband of almost two, & precious dog-child of almost four! Oh and now I have an accountant, which I don't care who you are, that means you're old. Yep, I'm a full fledged grown up; I guess don't mind, after all I get to make (and break) my own rules! It's pretty fabulous. Amanda & I have had such a blast together planning Ryker's nursery & baby shower, taking her maternity pictures, & as of last week, Ryker's newborns! Amanda is a born leader...in fact, she leads our group Bible Study & is the glue that holds us all together. She takes each challenge in her life so graciously and shines a positive light on everything that comes her way. She is such an incredible person and is already making the most fantastic mom.
I took Amanda's maternity pictures just a couple of weeks before Ryker made his big debut. Also, I'm posting the invitation I made for her shower & some quick snapshots I took at her & David's baby shower. Oh, and scroll to the bottom to see a sneak peek of Ryker's newborn shots! Enjoy.
check out these ADORABLE onsies made by Emily Owen. She customs each one herself!! Let me know if you're interested and I'll get you her info.
Painting by Kyle Miller (for baby Ryker). He's a TTU medical student and ALSO an artist!! Check out more of his work at the Funky Door!
Oh, and here's a fabulous sneak peek of what's to come from Ryker's newborn session!! Can't wait to share more!
Life's a flash, capture accordingly