They say in your lifetime you'll be able to count your best friends on one hand. Well Megan is my number one, my index finger, my numero uno. She is seriously my go to best friend whether rain or shine. We've known each other since 2nd grade and have been inseparable since. Well, actually that's not true. We've been separated by houses far apart during our childhood, different campuses in our college years, and different cities in our early adult years. In fact up until two months ago Megan and I never had proximity on our side and still managed to talk at least five times a week, sometimes even five times a day!! We have an understanding with one another and really treat each other more like sisters than friends.
We've always said we want to have kids near each other and own neighboring lake houses!! It seemed far fetched, but now that we are in the same town it may all just work out!! You can imagine our excitement when Ryan was placed at JPS in Fort Worth for his residency. Megan and I have never been so pumped!! We knew that living in the same town would mean actually shopping together instead of sending text pictures to ask if "these pants are dorky", and it would mean actually going out together instead of just the late night calls to ramble about how much fun our evenings had been. Truth be told, we're just best friends, period.
I was so honored to be the matron of honor at her charming Charleston, SC wedding. I would have LOVED to photograph the entire event, but knew that it was more important to sit back and sink in all the love and joy of the day first hand and not behind a lens. I did manage to sneak a few details of the day while we were getting ready and have shared them below. Megan asked me to take her bridals, which of COURSE I would never pass up. Megan has the most classic and timeless taste and I just love everything she selected from the dress to the venue to the man. Her sweet hubby Clayton is responsible for the Valentinos you see below.....he's knows a thing or two about making Megan a happy bride!! Love this couple and LOVE this sweet girl. Meet my best friend Megan Sordini.