This wedding was a photographer's dream come true. Simply put it was chic, elegant, and classic from start to finish. Caroline and her adorable mom did a fantastic job planning this wedding and every detail literally had me "ewwwing and ahhing". The bride actually bedazzled her shoes with rhinestones, one by one, now that's attention to detail. Amy-Rose and I were slightly obsessed. Caroline and Jerad are one of those couples who even when the camera isn't on them, are completely immersed in one another. I had to literally drag them off the dance floor to get a few fun images at the reception (for which they were total sports!!). Truly October 22nd was one of those days where the stars aligned; a bride I adore, a totally classic setting, and my absolute favorite second shooter, Amy-Rose King. I may refer to her as my second shooter for some weddings, but let's not kid ourselves.... Amy-Rose is seriously the most amazing friend and mentor I could ever ask for. In fact most of the awesome shots involving flash below are compliments of Amy-Rose. She is teaching me new tricks and I love her for that!! The weekend was a blast and our road trip to Dallas was full of fun. We even had a chance run-in with fellow photographer Linda Schilberg in Sweetwater! It's a small world, and I'm thankful for that. If it wasn't for this small world Caroline & I would have never met and I would have never gotten to photograph this amazing event. A big thanks to everyone involved. I hope you all enjoy, I know I did!!
Amy-Rose & I looking slightly worn out by this point. There was a pretty commical montage leading up to this picture, but for the sake of appearing professional I limited it to just one.
Life's a flash, capture accordingly.