Caroline + Jerad: The Engagement

Caroline, Jerad, and I met in Mt. Vernon, Texas a few weeks back to take their adorable engagement pictures. These two are getting married next October and were kind enough to include me in their big day! Jerad's family had a fabulous house on the lake so we had lots of fun and fresh places to shoot! Caroline went to UT while Jerad went to A&M, so of course when we passed by a field of longhorns we all had the same crazy thought.... We drove back by the beastly creatures, contemplating our fate and if the shot would be worth it. Sure enough right before the sun dropped, we all jumped the fence and went for the longhorns... first 50 feet away: they were undetectable.....20 feet away, they were looking more like subjects.... 10 feet away, jackpot! After we got the shot, we got spooked and ran all the way back to the fence, injury free. It was so much fun and I always enjoy a good adrenaline rush! Thanks to Caroline & Jerad for a fun trip, I'm looking forward to Dallas in October!

life's a flash, capture accordingly.