One of the obvious perks of my job is meeting awesome people and getting to work with them on a reoccurring basis. Elisabeth Burrows is an entrepreneur/creative guru herself and I have loved every minute I've spent with her. She is one of those inspiring people that really makes you wonder how she does it all. Her sweet little man, Davis is rapidly growing before our eyes, and I'm so flattered that she has chosen me to document all the precious stages he's gone through so far. You may remember them from their ADORABLE newborn shoot. Elisabeth is the one who designed the INCREDIBLE jungle-themed nursery that I still believe needs to be published in a design magazine!! This Christmas-inspired session is from back in December when Davis was 6 months- I'm sure he has already changed since, but for now, enjoy this sweet little man and his fabulous parents.
Life's a flash, capture accordingly.
Miss Maddie
Just a quick post to share this precious face on this beautiful Labor Day. Miss Maddie is truly as happy and she looks. Full of baby talk and giggles, this blue-eyed darling is one sweet treat! Enjoy.
Life's a flash, capture accordingly.
Becton & Brynlee
As I've mentioned before, and will probably mention a million more times throughout my blog posts here, the thing I love most about photography is keeping in touch with old friends.... Well, old friends of my sister's from high school that I like to call my own :) Back when Kacee Taylor Hogg and my sister Ginger were in high school I thought I was one of "the girls". Even though I was clearly not (and merely an awkward 6th grader at the time) they let me play along. I would follow "the girls" everywhere.... well everywhere my curfew would permit... They carted me to the movies, to the mall, and anywhere else I could bug them enough to take me. Having an older sister with cool friends during my awkward-turtle years definitely had its perks. Now that we're all grown up (and I've hopefully left my awkward-turtle back at Junior High) Kacee hired me to take her kiddos pictures. I was SO thrilled! My mom had taken her oldest, Brynlee's pictures in Houston a few years back and I got to play assistant. This time around I was the main shooter and my sweet photog mom was the assistant! Becton and Brynlee were full of fun (and full of energy) during our shoot. Brynlee loved the camera and was my little model for the day. Becton on the other hand had his heart set on getting into the things that weren't so camera friendly. We had a yard full of the sweetest antique tractors and, as boys will be boys, Becton jumped on the orange Kabota!! We certainly made it work and even got to play with Brynlee's palomino horse at the end. It was a fun shoot and a great chance to catch up with Kacee!
Life's a flash, capture accordingly