I heart valentine's day

Valentine's day has always been one of my favorite holidays... I was the dorky girl in 2nd grade that really planned out her Valentine "goodie sack"...you know, the white one you decorated with pink & purple hearts and placed in front of the room for all your classmates to fill. To me it was almost like Christmas, but with arts & crafts and way more candy. I've also always loved Valentine's Day because since I was a kid, my mom would buy us all kinds of goodies and chocolate to overdose on. As the years pass and I find more people in my life to I love, the holiday continues to get better.... Now I've got my mom, Ryan and even his sweet mom who sent me goodies. Oh, and now I'm a mother, to my one-eyed chocolate lab of course, so that makes the day more special as well. Luckily Emma only require an extra belly rub and a treat or two... Basically Valentine's Day is the perfect time to reflect on how blessed we all are to have such special relationships in our lives. This year Jessica Weinheimer, a new friend who's husband is in Ryan's medical school class, wanted to celebrate her Valentine's day with a family photo shoot. We met in January for our session so that she could send out a special "Valentine's Day" card to all their loved ones. I was thrilled with this idea in lieu of Christmas cards, as it was a throw back to my coveted 2nd grade Valentine's day tradition (just more grown up now). The Wheinheimers have the sweetest baby boy with the bluest eyes you've ever seen. I loved spending time with them and look forward to hanging out in the future!

So...happy (belated) Valentine's Day, from the Weinheimers, and from me!


Life's a flash, capture accordingly.