What better way to start out 2011 than with one seriously fabulous couple. Traci & Clay are set to be married next June and asked me to take some formal (yet fun) engagements pictures of the two of them. We had a quick mini- session with one outfit and two locations, but got a lot of really great images in our short time together... seriously, how could anyone not with this cute of a pair? Traci and I have always been acquaintances, but have never spent much time together... I've absolutely LOVED getting to know this girl better over the past couple of weeks and have to say that this is a prime example of why I love my job, getting to know people and making new relationships!! Traci sells Stella & Dot jewelry, which if you haven't checked it out, you should- it's fabulous! I have these earings (thanks to my awesome mother-in-law).
and desperately want this necklace- please someone tell my husband.
Any-who, if you like this jewelry hit up Traci Felton to buy it! You can find her on facebook. Now, onto the images! ahhhh, love...
life's a flash, capture accordingly.