Brace yourselves... The photos below contain my seriously stunning sister-in-law, Taylor, and may take your breathe away :) All jokes aside, Taylor lives in Ft. Worth and last time we were in Vegas for a family vacation we (Taylor, me, and both our moms) took advantage of the beautiful ambiance and did a little mini "fashionista" shoot. It was fabulous to have 4 creative minds work together with such a gorgeous model and spectacular venue!! My mom, who dabbles in photography herself, was handy to have around for photog questions, while Susan was thumbing through high fashion magazines for ideas! We sipped cocktails (which let's face it, always helps with the creativity side of things) and had the BEST time. I'm so lucky to have such a cool family!
I've been on Taylor's case now for a good 6 months about pursuing a modeling career. Let's face it, the girls' got it. More than that though she is such a fun sister to have! I've never had a little sister so Taylor serves as my surrogate "lil sis"... we like to leave the "in-law" part off! I'm going to make this one short and let the images speak for themselves. Leave Taylor some love on the comment section below!! Let's get this girl a career!
I've made you all wait for the full round of edits, but as promised, here they are- enjoy.