Carey & Kellyn are getting married this October and asked me to be a part of their big day! I'm so excited to capture some of the main the highlights on their road to the altar, and of course their wedding. Carey's family has a ranch in Ranger, Texas, so we packed up his truck and headed towards greener pastures, so to speak. Poor west Texas hasn't had any rain this season, so Ranger was a nice change of pace. We had a fun road trip and really got to know each other better. Our shoot was going just swimmingly when Kellyn decided that she would attempt to get on a horse bareback for a few shots... Being an old equestrian myself, I thought this would be awesome. As soon as she made it onto the horse's back, it all went haywire and she was suddenly airborne. She landed as gracefully as you could hope after such a spill, but decided that the horseback pictures weren't worth the risk. I didn't get any action shots, although they would have certainly been worth something! Kellyn laughed the whole thing off and was a wonderful sport. We got some pretty great images despite the hectic event. Hope you enjoy. Meet Carey & Kellyn:
Life's a flash, capture accordingly.