senior faq
How early should I book my session to guarantee you’re available?
Every season varies but to be safe try and book a month in advance.
What days do you book typically? Are weekends an option?
Monday through Friday are the best option as weekends are reserved for weddings and time with family. Times will depend on the season and amount of daylight hours. We are flexible and will make sure we work something out that works best for you!
What is the turnaround time to receive images and prints?
Typical turnaround time is 2 weeks to receive the images. This can vary during busy seasons. Prints arrive after, when client selects those to be printed.
What payments do you accept?
Options to make payments include cash or check and clients are billed after the shoot.
What does your standard editing entail? What costs extra?
Editing includes one to two rounds of edits with simple blemishes and out of place items removed. Additional photoshop retouches over 15 images costs $50/hr.
Will film be included?
Film is only used in amiable light conditions. Generally if the shoot takes place outdoors in natural light we will include the use of film for your session.
Can we bring extra friends, family, or pets to the session?
All of the above are welcome to an extent, but it is important to keep in mind that additional people and distractions could directly affect the outcome of the shoot and quality of images produced. Having an extra set of hands from a family member can be helpful, but overcrowding can have a reverse effect.
Should I get my hair and makeup done?
Yes! Clients that get their hair and makeup done for shoots are almost always glad that they took the time to get these things done by a professional, and it truly shows in the final product! This is not to say that if you do your own it won’t look good. But we highly recommend getting it done professionally. Ask Heather for a recommendation!
How many locations are included?
We like to stick to 1 or 2 locations so that we fully maximize our time together while shooting. If you need location recommendations, we have a few places up our sleeve!
Are props used?
It is our goal to ensure the shoot reflects you as a couple without too many distractions. However, we do love our details and welcome props such as champagne, champagne glasses, and blankets, etc.
Can I order an album?
YES. We highly recommend documenting such a precious time in your life with a tangible album. We will work with you to design, customize, and order your album(s). Please inquire with Heather Rowland to get access to the album pricing guide!